The second ingredient in our recipe for healthy digestion, are enzymes. What are enzymes? Enzymes are chemically active proteins that enhance reactions between other substances. Whether in a chemistry laboratory, or within your body, that’s what enzymes do. Our bodies use enzymes for many things, including digestion.

Enzymes produced as we chew

Digestive enzymes are produced by our salivary glands as we chew our food, then in our stomach, small intestine and pancreas… to aid in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
For various reasons, there are times when our bodies don’t produce sufficient quantities of the required enzymes. Such a condition can result in incomplete digestion. What happens then is really no surprise. Undigested carbohydrates ferment, proteins putrefy, and fats become rancid.

Insufficient enzymes

An instance of a carbohydrate malabsorption syndrome is lactose intolerance. Due to an insufficiency of the digestive enzyme lactase, a person can suffer with symptoms of gas, bloating, cramping and diarrhea.
Incomplete digestion of proteins may result in the presence of toxic compounds called “polyamines”. Some polyamines have been implicated in the loss of cell growth regulation, seen in cancerous tumours.
And when fats are not fully digested, they can cause a form of diarrhea called “steatorrhea”, which can lead to dehydration, and other problems.
By-products of incomplete digestion can cause great distress to our gastro-intestinal tract, with symptoms such as gas, bloating, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, and fluid retention. Some of these symptoms may cause secondary conditions such as internal fissures and hemorrhoids.

Supplements may help

Supplemental enzymes may aid in providing symptomatic relief. If you consider taking enzyme supplements, choose one that is ‘broad spectrum’ and provides support for digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Stay tuned for the next ingredient in our recipe….

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